Match Report: U11 Colts v Wye Juniors

The game was immediately off to a lively start with an immediate corner to Wye, well dealt with by Blake. After a few minutes of even play, Wye began to pile the pressure on, with Ashley and Hayden putting in vital tackles. Wye gained three consecutive corners, the pressure ending eventually with a shot over the bar. With the ball at the other end, Ryan took a good shot before Blake was again called on to make a good save. A great move from Dylan to Fin, resulted in the first goal and delight from the boys! Wye immediately resumed their attack but just a few minutes later the Risers doubled their lead from a corner, which was shot into the top corner by Hayden. Both Dylan and Fin put in good shots before Wye went close, hitting the bar. The game was being played at a fast pace from end to end and within a couple of minutes Wye scored two goals and were level. In the last minutes of the half, the Risers added more pressure, with Noah, Harry and Theo all putting in great work and runs from midfield. After a corner, Ellis scored, putting the Risers ahead again. 

The second half began with an equaliser from Wye, soon followed by a fourth goal. Gideon played consistently well in midfield and set up Dylan for the Risers fourth, all square again! Gideon, Ryan and Noah linked beautifully in midfield, sustaining effective runs forward. Blake was still busy at the other end, consistently making great saves. Wye were pushing us hard, causing Blake, Ellis and Hayden to work very hard. Noah put in another great run on the wing, passing to Fin who shot well but just over. The Risers kept fighting and putting great balls forward. Sam showed some great touches, troubling their defenders each time. Wye hit the post again before scoring twice in quick succession. Ashley kept going with some beautiful play on the right wing, but time was running out. A highly entertaining and nail-biting game, with great performances from both teams. 
