Rising Stars U16GY v Anchorians Angels Tigresses

KGLFL Div 2 Sun 24 Sept 2023

Risers continued their winning streak with another strong performance against a physical Anchorians side, with a second hat-trick in as many games.

On a sunny late September afternoon, Risers travelled up the M2 to Gillingham for a 3.30pm kick-off on a windy 3G pitch. With a 15-strong squad (what a difference from last season?!), the team were ready to get going against top-of-the-league Anchorians.

Risers had a good start, Ella getting an early shot on goal to test the keeper. Anchorians were putting in strong tackles early on but 4 minutes in, Risers won a free kick. Eloise delivered a beautiful ball into the box, which Eva controlled skilfully and stroked past the keeper’s hand into the far right of the goal.

1-0 to Risers!

The early goal gave Risers confidence and there were plenty of attacks. Natalie had a shot that went just wide, and the defenders had to block shots from Sunee and Eva. Eloise put in a fantastic run down the left after Sophie had won the ball from the Anchorians midfielder. And shortly after, Grace, received the ball from Eloise then went on a run down the right and put in a lovely cross, aiming for Sophie but she couldn’t quite reach it.

Risers’ starting back four (Nancy, Lia, Eloise and Jeea) again looked solid, Jeea and Ella carrying on from last week with their effective link-up play down the left.

Connie was strong again in goal, and needed to make an important save to prevent Anchorians equalising. She got to a shot that looked like it might just go over her, and took the power out of it, falling on it as it bounced in front of her. She wasn’t troubled too much for the rest of the first half.

Around 5 minutes before half time, Nancy used her strength to meet a ball from the air and deliver it to Eva, who controlled it well and took it past the defender (who tried a late tackle but didn’t connect). Eva only had one place she was putting that ball, and she buried it in the back of the net, keeper had no chance.

2-0 to Risers!

Half time

Desperate to stay in the game, Anchorians started the brighter after the break, putting pressure on the Risers defence. Lydia and Syd had to make vital clearances and be strong in their 1-on-1 battles. But Anchorians had their tails up, and 5 minutes after the restart scored a lovely goal from distance with a looped shot that was too close to the crossbar for Connie to reach.

2-1 to Risers!

Riser then had a bit of a nervy spell, but Emily stayed calm, working hard alongside Syd and Lydia to track back, putting the opponents under enough pressure so that they didn’t threaten Connie’s goal again.

Then a Riser attack saw Ella set up Eloise for a superb shot from distance that thundered into the top of the goal. All that practice at last week’s training session had clearly paid off!

3-1 to Risers!

Nancy was following on from a strong performance last week, always controlling the ball well in the air, and gaining confidence as she kept running with the ball looking to create an attack.

Madison linked up well with Nancy in defence. Lia and Madison were both solid in the midfield, needing to put in some strong tackles and help Risers keep possession, as Anchorians were again starting to feel there was something in the game for them. Sophie was also making a nuisance of herself, taking on the defenders with her determined runs. She had a good shot on goal from a corner but the keeper made a good save in response.

The Anchorians defence were struggling to keep the Risers at bay and conceded another free kick just outside the box on the right that Natalie stood up to take. But the bobbly ball resulted in a bit of a slice! But the ever-competitive Natalie soon made amends… Just a few minutes later, the Anchorians keeper parried a shot from Eloise who followed up and passed it back to Natalie. She was never going to miss from that angle, and she buried it!

4-1 to Risers!

Anchorians’ heads went down for a few minutes but they kept pressing and had a few chances. Sunee doing a cracking job in midfield and getting back to help in defence when needed, making a vital interception that could otherwise have ended with the ball in the back of the Risers net.

With just a few minutes left on the clock, Risers were really in their stride, and Eva coolly got her hat-trick with a third goal that was a lovely strike with her left.

5-1 to Risers!

With the game almost over, Lydia blocked a shot that left her winded for a few moments, so Madison came on, showing her versatility, to cover for Lydia in defence. But then the final whistle came.

Another strong all-round performance, 5 lovely goals, lots of solid defending and good play to distribute the ball from defence and midfield. The team are really working hard for each other and enjoying their football. Chris did really well with the substitutions. The versatility across the squad is proving to be a real strength.

Bring on Sittingbourne at home next week!

Opponents’ player of the match: Jeea

Coaches’ player of the match: Syd

Hat-trick award/medal: Eva

Starting line-up: Connie, Nancy, Lia, Eloise, Jeea, Grace, Madison, Eva, Ella, Natalie, Sunee

Subs: Emily, Lydia, Sophie, Syd

Thanks to Mich and Natalie for stepping up and running the line, with on-the-job training from Paul!